Damaged Mailboxes

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 2, 2011

Damaged Downtown mailboxes to be replaced following hit/run

By Rupert Howell

Batesville Police Department recorded a “hit and run” on two mailboxes located on the downtown Square Sunday night according to Lieutenant Kerry Pittman’s incident report.

Postal supervisor Dan Sokac said this week that both boxes were damaged beyond repair, but their replacements had arrived and would be installed either today or Monday.

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Sokac estimated that the Post Office had received a hundred calls concerning the sudden absence of the boxes. A nearby paper stand belonging to The Panolian was the third victim of the hit and run. It remains operational.

Sokac noted that the damaged boxes were dated 1989 and 1958 with the 1989 model taking the brunt of force that took the boxes out of commission.

Pittman’s report read, “Upon inspection it apeared that they had been hit by a vehicle and knocked down. There was a tire track on the concrete were the mail boxes were sitting.”

Meanwhile, be on the lookout for a vehicle with a bent bumper with blue paint around the point of impact.