Tuesday, August 16

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 24, 2011

By Rupert Howell

A public hearing on changes to South Panola School District’s trustee lines is set for Tuesday, August 16 at 6 p.m. following action at  Tuesday’s monthly school board meeting.

School districts, like counties and municipalities, are required to  equalize population changes that may occur between each 10-year  census to conform to the one man- one vote rule set forth by the  United States Department of Justice.

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The district hired Slaughter and Associates of Oxford to suggest  recommendations and last month favored one of two plans that had only minor changes from the current district lines.

School trustees set the hearing to get citizen input on their  decision, explain changes and make district lines familiar to interested citizens.

Attorney Colmon Mitchell recommended that the board hold the hearing  although it is not legally required. He explained that although the  Justice Department does not require the hearing, the fact that one was held would be considered favorably.

The five-member trustee board is elected from the school district’s  boundaries that lay proximately within the southern half of Panola  

County and the Second Judicial District. Each member serves a five  year staggered term with one trustee being elected each November on  the General Election non-partisan ballot.

Under the 1965 Voting Rights Act, all changes to voting precincts,  boundaries, etc. must first get Justice Department approval.

Other business during Tuesday night’s monthly meeting included accepting resignations of three teachers and employment of seven.  

Those newly employed did not replace the three resigning teachers — one  from Batesville Intermediate School and two from Batesville Junior  High School.

Four older model school buses will be sold at bid, one school bus  driver was hired and two school bus turn-arounds were approved.

Trustees approved the coming school year’s meeting dates with all  falling on the third Tuesday of each month with the exception of  December when the monthly meeting will be held Thursday, December 15.

Meetings are held at the Resource Center on College Street and begin  at 7 p.m.