Supervisors’ election

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 24, 2011

County supervisor elections focus of July special issue

Questionnaires for supervisor candidates will be ready today at noon at The Panolian office.

The Panolian announced Tuesday it plans to publish a political tabloid July 22 for the five supervisor races.

The newspaper staff has prepared separate questions for the five incumbent supervisors as well as their 18 challengers.

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The special section will publish eleven days before the August 2 party primaries.

“Our goal is to use this special section to help our readers better understand the candidates who are seeking their vote,” said John Howell Sr., Panolian publisher.

“The candidates also have an opportunity to reach 20,000 Panolian readers by participating,” Howell said.

Among its duties, the five-person Board of Supervisors oversees the budget for Panola County government and maintains public roads and bridges.

Question topics for incumbent supervisors include naming road and bridge improvements, and sharing their views on zoning decision and budgeting.

Their challengers are asked to name their most important campaign issue, share their opinion on zoning, and name a decision by the current board in which they disagreed with the outcome.  

All five supervisors have drawn opponents — 10 Democrats, three Republicans, and five independents — during the current election cycle.  

Deadline for submitting answers is Friday, July 8.

All answers must be e-mailed to The Panolian.