Enid Lake

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 11, 2011

Volunteers utilize ATVs to construct fish shelters during the 2011 Habitat Day Event. Photo submitted

Over 1,500 trees used for shelters at Enid Habitat Day

By Enid Lake Park Rangers

Habitat Day

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Enid Lake thanks all the volunteers that participated in Enid Lake’s Annual Habitat Day.

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The event proved once again to be a huge success with 120 volunteers and an additional 36 Corps of Engineers and Ferguson & Williams Contract Employees participating.

Rangers reported 1,500 trees were used to construct approximately 500 shelters, and 2,500 wooden stakes, were strategically placed and anchored in many locations throughout the following areas: Plum Point, Midway, Chickasaw Hill, Long Branch and Dean Hill Wildlife Management Area at “Wildcat Brake.”

These manmade structures will provide future shelter for many bait fish, which are needed to sustain a healthy population of larger game fish.  Due to the hard work of these volunteers this will provide many enjoyable days of fishing in the future.         

The Enid Lake Habitat Day began with a hearty breakfast followed by instructions and a safety review.  After instructions were given everyone headed out to assigned work areas for a morning of placing cedar trees and wooden stakes on the barren mudflats.

Upon completion of work everyone returned to the Corps of Engineers Maintenance Shop to enjoy a wonderful lunch and the awarding of door prizes.

The Enid Lake staff added additional thanks to the sponsors who participated in the 2011 Habitat Day.

“Without the generous donations from sponsors and the hard work of volunteers Enid Lake Habitat Day would have not been possible,” Rangers said.

Clean Up Day

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and volunteers for Waste Management announce Enid Lake’s Annual Clean Up Day will be held on Saturday, February 26 beginning at 7 a.m.  

The staff at Enid Lake and the Volunteers for Waste Management invite and encourage everyone to pitch in and help clean and maintain Enid Lake’s beauty.  

Last year over 300 volunteers picked up 80 compacted cubic yards of trash and 84 tires. This year it is hoped to increase the amount of trash collected.  This goal can only be accomplished with help from volunteers.  A hot lunch, drawing for door prizes and a raffle will follow the morning’s clean up activities.

The volunteers for Waste Management invite anyone interested in Clean Up Day to the next organizational meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, February 15 at 7 p.m. at Enid Lake Field Office.

Low Lake Levels

The Enid Lake staff reminds all boaters of the low lake levels at Enid Lake.

Boaters are reminded to reduce speed and use caution when operating water craft in shallow water. On February 8, Enid Lake’s lake level was 232.96 feet above sea level.  Currently Enid Lake has gate one opened to a half of a foot.

Lake enthusiasts may acquire lake elevations, gate openings and closings, and rainfall amounts by calling 662-563-2840.

Water Safety Campaign

With over 21,000 acres of water, Water Safety is a top priority to the ranger staff at Enid Lake. Currently, Enid Lake’s Ranger Staff is gearing up for their 2011 Water Safety Campaign.

Any school, civic club, day care, library, or other organization interested in a program should contact Enid Lake Field Office at 662-563-4571. Programs can be geared to fit any age group and can be scheduled on weekends.

For more information on Enid Lake’s Special Events or Water Safety Program please contact the Enid Lake Field Office 662-563-4571 or visit the following website at http://www.mvk.usace.army.mil/Lakes/ms/enid/.