SP Calendar

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 21, 2011

SP juggles calendar after January snow

By Rupert Howell

Students and teachers of the South Panola School District will forgo their President’s Day and Easter Monday holidays due to three days of school missed January 10-12 due to snowy/icy roads following a recommendation by Superintendent Dr. Keith Shaffer last Tuesday.

School trustees, during their regular monthly board meeting, amended the 2010-11 school calendar that they approved last April.  The superintendent told board members then the calendar had only one “snow day” built in.

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Shaffer explained that forgoing the two holidays was the logical step as many people had reservations and vacations planned during spring holidays and some might have conflicts on Good Friday.

He warned that any additional days missed with school closing could cause the board to revisit the calendar to make more “serious” changes.

The district is required to be open a minimum total of 180 pupil days with most teacher contracts requiring  a minimum 187 teacher days.

Graduation is currently scheduled for Saturday, May 14 with the last day for other pupils scheduled May 20. Besides the Good Friday holiday April 22, the March 14-18 Spring Break is the remaining holiday until school closing.