Russ Darby letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 15, 2010

Letter to the editor

Reader supports child discipline, first from parents then from others

I have heard for many years that a smart man does not discuss religion or politics unless he wants to offend his friends. That is probably wise, but when I read a political post in your Tuesday, October 12, 2010, edition, I decided that I had to cross the line to stupidity.  I have been a friend of Mr. Phil Herron for many years and know he is a man of character. When I read his post concerning Dennis Darby (no relation) my first thought was that it was out of character for Mr. Herron.

Up until the referenced article, I felt that our local political races had been conducted in a very respectable manner without the expected “mud slinging” that I personally feel is often used as a last resort method to gather votes. I feel that this is the point of the article Mr. Herron posted where he referenced Dennis Darby handcuffing a “child” and whipping (“whoopin”) a child. I have heard Mr. Herron refer to times when children playing in the neighborhood were disciplined by the neighbor that caught them and then the parents were told about it.  I am sure that, like me, Mr. Herron got his share of “whoopins” from the folks down the road.

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What is my point?  Simply that it is the responsibility of the parents to discipline a “child,” but if the parent won’t handle it then law enforcement (or any other responsible citizen) needs to take action to preserve law and order. I have worked with troubled youth and I will tell you, their lack of respect and discipline are generally due to a lack of “whoopins.”

Now, before everyone comes to burn down my house, let me clarify, discipline (old-fashioned, belt-across-the-place-God-provided) and child abuse are two different things.  If children cannot control themselves to the point of resisting law enforcement, then putting them in handcuffs is a reasonable response to gain control of a situation.

Mr. Herron, I have seen the Power of God just as you have. I believe that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present. I also know that God is a just God and is no respecter of person or age. God is a disciplinarian and has exercised that discipline on sinners and saints (not just His children).

With all due respect, I have never heard of anyone calming a violent, disrespectful person with prayer and scripture until AFTER they have been restrained.

To whoever becomes the next Sherriff of Panola County, if my child kicks you, pull out the cuffs and lock them up.  I can say that because if my child shows that much disrespect, they are safer in jail.

Russ Darby,