Get The Picture? By Sherry Hopkins
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 18, 2010

Sherry Hopkins
Did I miss spring or did it miss me? I can’t remember a May that was 90 degrees or above for the whole month.
And now June.
The horse flies and deer flies are about to carry us away here at Plum Point. The humidity makes them more active, I think. We have tried everything we know to help resolve the problem but so far nothing has helped. Readers — any solutions to this pesky problem?
This is the time of year when I panic about finances, or moreso than usual. House insurance is due, along with vehicle insurance. Car tags are due, and we needed propane gas this month.
I had a minor medical problem and for the first time in twenty years we had an insurance deductible to contend with along with the regular co-pays.
It takes a relatively long time to save a little bit of extra money and only a moment to dole it out.
Do you ever feel as though you are on a wheel inside a hamster cage? Round and round we go day after day. I have no right to complain because I have a home and vehicles to insure and the propane that I dread buying each year surely makes showers more desirable and cooking, too. And we certainly would be in a real dilemma if we didn’t have health insurance. I do realize how blessed we really are even if I do complain.
I can’t say I get a lot of pleasure from paying for my car tags though. If I understand the system a portion of these monies goes to repair roads. But roads in my area are in poor condition. If you drive them with any regularity you know which pothole to avoid in any particular area. Sometimes when we are in Dear Don’s pickup truck it feels as though I am riding in an army tank. Where does that tax money go?
I keep the air conditioner thermostat on 79 degrees during the day and have all available ceiling fans going to circulate air. This helps a lot towards keeping the electric bill lower.
But try as I might the grocery bill just continues to rise each and every week. Bargains are hard to come by.
I am waiting anxiously for local vegetables to ripen. Fresh squash and tomatoes make pleasing additions to any meal.
I have a new recipe for a “Spoon Bread” yeast roll that rises overnight in the refrigerator. It sounds easy and delicious even for me. But I hesitate to heat the house up with the oven this time of year. So I will stick to store-bought bread and find pleasure in seasonal fruits.
How does homemade peach ice cream sound?
Daddy would let each of us kids have a hand at turning the crank on the old wooden freezers of the ‘60s. I’m not sure why we thought that was fun because it was actually hard work.
But boy, the results were worth it. My mouth is watering at the thought.
So even though the calendar says we are still a couple of days away from summer, folks it is hot and here to stay.
So if you happen to pass by Moseley Drive you may not find us lazing on the porch swing. More than likely we will be in the house where it is cool. So get out, come in and have a glass of iced tea with lemon. And if you let me know you’re coming by I’ll make something sweet for you to nibble on while you enjoy your tea.
You get the picture.
(Contact award-winning columnist Sherry Hopkins at