Sales Tax

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tax totals show big jumps in Batesville

By Rupert Howell

Recently released sales tax totals indicate a significant upswing in the local economy as sales tax paid in March of this year were similar to the amount paid in March of 2008.

Even more impressive, Batesville’s Tourism and Economic Development Tax continued to increase showing another large gain of 20 percent for the month of April bringing $93,416 into city coffers.

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Batesville’s share of the seven cent sales tax, approximately 18 percent, was 11 percent above last year’s March figures and only three percent below March of 2008.

Batesville received $337,352 as its share of the tax paid by consumers in March, reported to the state in April and returned to the City in May. That amount puts Batesville’s year-to-date totals within one-half of one percent of last year’s year-to-date totals for the same time period.

 Although a breakdown of where increases occurred with the Tourism Tax is not yet available, proponents of Sunday alcohol sales claim it is a result of the additional day of alcohol sales.

Year-to-date figures indicate since July 1, 2009, revenue from the Tourism tax has increased almost five percent.

Statewide monthly tax collections indicate an increase of four percent while year-to-date figures lag behind four percent.

Other Panola municipalities received the following payments for their share of sales tax collected and the percentage of increase or decrease over March 2009 as follows: Como, $15,045, -4; Courtland, $1,427, -5; Crenshaw, $3,470, -5; Crowder, $1,818, +15; Pope, $2,298, +2 and Sardis, $29,281, +11.