Brasher Letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 4, 2009

Iran’s nuclear weapon imminent; radical Islam must be faced with ‘ferocity’

Iran is chasing a nuclear weapon. No reasonably intelligent person can deny this as a fact.

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Sadly, the world, once again, is being held hostage by a rogue regime whose leadership, by all accounts, is determined to eradicate Israel from the the face of the earth. These threats cannot be taken as mere hyperbole.

Even though at the present this international predicament is receiving little air time, the consequences to our economic and political fortunes are immense. In my judgment, the world community has placated this beast far too long.

Unless, Iran retreats from its antagonistic stance, Israel will attack without mercy. A timetable is hard to predict, but I would say within weeks or a few months – no more.

Hopefully, the United States will fully support the effort of our friend and ally, Israel, and not acquiesce to the sentiments of a debauched and cowardly world community, best represented by its bastard child, the United Nations. Sovereign nations and its leadership cannot run or hide from this emerging and escalating situation.

President Obama, from his inaugural address, has extended palm branches and peppered the radical Islamic world with loving platitudes to no avail. Weakness and not strength has been the perception by the belligerent followers of Mahomet. These brutes will only respond to the same medicine by dose as they prescribe – fear, domination and force.

The world is not a nice place. To believe it is is pure folly. The President has just recently made a critical decision concerning Afghanistan. I applaud him for finally making a decision. Yet it is insufficient. Radical Islam must be combated with the same ferocity as they unleash on others.

What separates us from them, you might ask? Principle! We seek co-existence, they seek control. A long standing peace with these hyper-Islamic nations and sects will be only obtained through an “all” pervasive war of words, ideology and souls. Scoff, if you will, but this is the truth, and this truth is undeniable.


Dr. Andrew Brasher
