Get The Picture? By Sherry Hopkins

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 30, 2009

Sherry Hopkins

Unexpected October expenses threaten Hopkin’s budget

 October has been a trying month for Dear Don and me. We have been tested on our commitment to living on one income and our nerves are a bit raw from the seeming constant inundation of unexpected problems.

At the beginning of the year we had what we thought was a solid budget in place, one that would provide for everyday expenses and the occasional blip that was sure to occur. We had set aside an amount to save and an amount for entertainment.

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Since April we have not put anything in the savings account.

As I have written before, Dear Don has barely worked a full week this whole year.

And then comes October. October is the month we wait for all year. Autumn is here, leaves are turning and falling, cooler temperatures and fires in the patio and, at the end of the month, our fall vacation.

Of course the first thing is that it has rained nearly the whole month. The leaves have not turned and have just slightly started to fall. The temperatures are cooler, much cooler than normal. I don’t mind that so much as I do what has happened inside the Hopkins home. Murphy’s Law is in full effect here.

Our very expensive “never-needs-a-plumber” toilet needed a plumber. Plumbing house call: $48.

The ceiling fan in the den, the one I use daily, quit working. It was only thirty-five years old. We replaced it last week. The replacement fan was on sale, so we are out of pocket about $160.

Dear Don’s prized DVD/sound system decided to eat a DVD. After trying everything he knew to do, and after consulting the trouble shooting guide, and then even calling for tech support, Dear Don did the only thing left: he shook it violently and banged on it relentlessly.

The good news is that it released the stuck DVD. The bad news: it’s pretty much non-useable at this point.

Next the computer printer goes on the blink and then just quits altogether.

The motor that runs our pool pump filter system gave out and will need to be replaced as well. That’s a $300 expense.

Yesterday, as Dear Don left work, he tried to start his truck and the battery was dragging, just barely turning over. He stopped by an auto supply store and bought a new battery. Another hundred bucks gone.

The only good news is that the toilet was under parts warranty and the manufacturer sent new parts free of charge. Yeah. (That was a half-hearted yeah.)

After writing all this, I realize that no one could actually plan for all these things to happen, especially in one month. Thankfully we will be through with this month in short order.

I know it sounds like I’m grousing and whining here but my feelings are hurt. I run emotionally on order and control, not improvisation and chaos. These things are significant to me.

However, Dear Don is calm as a cucumber. He asked, “Have we spent, on a whole, more than we anticipated for the year so far?”  

“Well actually not really,” I replied. “But it’s very close.”

“You just need to chill out,” he scolded me. “Quit worrying yourself into panic,” he warned.

He’s right. I do have a tendency to work a molehill into a mountain in short order.

So with two months left in this year I vow to get my act together, get an attitude adjustment.  Do whatever I need to do to stay calm and worry free.

There are many things to be thankful for, Mr. Cool Cucumber reminds me.

I am home everyday to attend to these problems. I caught many problems before they became overwhelming and cost us more money.

I have a paid-for house and plenty to eat. I have money to meet my needs. I have whole days to do exactly what I want when I want to do it.

My health is great and I have all my senses. Well, maybe not all but most.

So as we quickly see fall turn to winter I will patiently await what life brings next.

Or not.

You get the picture.

(Contact Sherry at