Feb. 1 sunshine
Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 1, 2009

Justin Howell receives serve. Mike Reynolds is his partner.

Andrew Horn (from left), Madison Greenlee and Stormy Robison watch Gowen Cox (background) and Zack Horn duel under a sunny, balmy sky.

“Yours,” said Kayla Swindoll as Ashleigh Austin prepared to return a shot to their opponents, Howell and Reynolds.
There’s a rule in Batesville that if people are out playing tennis on February 1 then winter can’t last much longer, regardless of what Punxsutawney does with his shadow in Pennsylvania tomorrow.
And they were out in Batesville.
Trussell Park’s tennis courts were lively in Sunday afternoon’s sunshine. Players and spectators periodically changed places at the twin courts. Among them: Stormy Robison, Andrew Horn, Madison Greenlee, Zack Horn and Gowen Cox.
Meanwhile, over on the quadruple courts, Justin Howell, Mike Reynolds teamed up in doubles against Kayla Swindoll and Ashleigh Austin.
Just because the weather will turn cold during the early part of this week following Monday’s celebrated groundhog appearance, it can’t last long. Players of tennis have spoken.