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Published 12:00 am Friday, January 30, 2009

SP cheerleaders to perform show

The South Panola Competitive Cheerleaders have been preparing for their seventh consecutive trip to the National High School Cheerleading Championships in Orlando.  

The squad leaves on Friday, February 6. They will perform their National’s routine for the public on Thursday, February 5 at 5:30 in the Batesville Junior High gymnasium.  The public is invited to attend.  

Admission is free. You may follow the competition during Nationals at www.varsity.com.

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J.P. Hudson announces registration

J.P. Hudson Park has announced registration dates for the 2009 baseball/softball season.

Registration will be held two Saturdays, February 7 and 14, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the TVEPA building.

Fees are $100 for first child and $65 for second. T-ball is for 4 and 5-year-olds. Baseball is for 5 to 12-year-olds. Softball is for 5 to 16-year-olds.

City League Basketball Schedule

Tuesday, 2/3
7 p.m. Team Hustle vs. Pepsi
8 p.m. Carlisle vs. Insituform
Wednesday, 2/4
7 p.m. Heartbreakers vs. Butler Trucking
8 p.m. Serta vs Framed Pictures
Thursday, 2/5
7 p.m. Budweiser vs. Too Real
8 p.m. Crime Society vs. All-arounders
Tuesday, 2/10 – 3 games
7 p.m. Team Hustle vs. Butler Trucking
8 p.m. Framed Pictures vs. Insituform
9 p.m. Budweiser vs. All Arounders
Wednesday, 2/11
7 p.m. Heartrbreakers vs. Pepsi
8 p.m. Crime Society vs. Too Real
Thursday, 2/12
7 p.m. Carlisle vs. Framed Pictures
8 p.m. Serta vs. Insituform
4 Days a Week
Monday, 2/16
7 p.m. Team Hustle vs. Framed
8 p.m. Heartbreakers vs. Insituform
Tuesday, 2/17
7 p.m. Pepsi vs. Too Real
8 p.m. Butler Trucking v s. All Arounders
Wednesday, 2/18
7 p.m. Heartbreakers vs. Carlisle
8 p.m. Team Hustle vs. Serta
Thursday, 2/19
7 p.m. Budweiser vs. Framed Picures
8 p.m. Crime Society vs. Insituform
Monday, 2/23
7 p.m. Pepsi vs. Serta
8 p.m. Butler Trucking vs. Carlisle
Tuesday, 2/24
7 p.m. Crime Society vs. Framed Pictures
8 p.m. Budweiser vs. Insituform

Wednesday, 2/25
7 p.m. Heartbreaker vs. Serta
8 p.m. Team Hustle vs. Carlisle
Thursday, 2/25
7 p.m. Pepsi vs. All Arounders
8 p.m. Butler Trucking vs. Too Real