Ross letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Letter to the editor

Martin Bros. should be denied

Now, let me see if I have this correct. Martin Bros. was denied building their scrap metal plant on Holton Rd. next door to a large upscale residence and Dr. Mike Cockrell had to take it to the Supreme Court of Mississippi. After this, the Land Commission denied a scrap metal business right off Hwy 6 and Chapeltown Road. Then the supervisors approved it. Then a judge stated it was illegal for him to be there although there are no homes even close to this business. This man (Aldridge) had to close his business due to this lawsuit, and he chose not to fight it. Now the Land Commission has approved a cement mixing plant involving the Martin Bros. Company next to Dr. Cockrell’s home. What is going on here?

It seems that Martin Bros. gets what they want and the small business guy (Mr. Aldridge) gets the shaft and Dr Cockrell has to continue fighting the Martin Bros. over land that has already been decided by the State Court. My question is: Why is it okay to build a cement mixing plant with all kinds of noise and truck traffic down a two-lane road next door to Dr. Cockrell, when Mr. Aldridge had to close his “scrap metal business” out in the middle of nowhere? This smells of politics and cronyism. They should be ashamed to have put Dr. Cockrell and Mr. Aldridge through this strife. The Board of Supervisors should step up and deny this request for Martin Bros.’ latest venture. It appears that vengeance in the form of Rooster Cement Company is at play here.

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David Ross