Letter to Editor

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 14, 2007

Letter to the editor
Reader feels criticism should be restrained in ‘public forum’

As always, I spent my Tuesday afternoon reading through the Tuesday edition of the Panolian.  I am always interested in the Opinions section and the Letters to the Editor.  

In this edition, I was reading John Howell’s Opinion and found that it is indeed great to live in this country.  Although I do not agree with Mr. Howell’s opinion, it is a great freedom to agree to disagree in a public forum such as this paper.

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I, for one, feel that we AS AMERICANS should support our country, government, and military.  Whether or not we agree with this war and the sending of troops, we should be united, especially in a public forum.

As Mr. Howell states, other countries are enjoying the internal division that they see.  Even our local newspaper is read by people in other countries.  How does Mr. Howell think our troops feel when they read such articles while they are standing in harm’s way?  Betrayed, maybe?

We have a means of showing our displeasure with our leaders in a public and private forum. It is called elections. When a respected person in the community, such as Mr. Howell, speaks their opinion it will influence others.

Mr. Howell, I encourage you to use your influence in this community to help get your candidates elected; encourage people to pray for our current leaders;  vote as you see fit; and work for the support of our troops.  Please don’t add to the “quagmire.”

Again, it is a great freedom to be able to agree to disagree.  And I respect your opinion just as I hope the same respect from you.
A Proud American
Russ Darby