SP Tiger football
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The South Panola Tiger team was practicing kickoff returns last week. Montez Austin, No. 87, carried the ball and got a block from teammate Darius “Tigg” Barksdale on the return. The Tigers will be in action Friday at a jamboree on Hughes Field in Jackson, playing Provine and Forest Hill. The Panolian photo by Myra Bean
Tigers open season in 9 days
Top seniors and juniors on board
By Myra Bean
With 10 days left before the first game of the season, more and more questions are being answered about the upcoming season.
South Panola head coach Lance Pogue is encouraged about the progress of the football team during practice.
“We had a good two weeks of practice,” Pogue said. “Conditions have been hot like everywhere. We battled through that well. We feel like we are on schedule with the practices, kind of getting ready for the first game. We feel like we are in good standing.”
The Tigers will put some of their gameplan to the test in a preseason jamboree Friday, August 24. The Tigers will play in Jackson’s Hughes Field against Provine and Forrest Hill.
The junior varsity will play at 4 p.m. and the varsity at 5 p.m.
This is Pogue’s first season with the Tiger team that has the reputation of being a dynasty on the football field. The Tigers back up that claim by holding a 60-game consecutive win streak going into the opening contest with Warren Central next Thursday night.
In a preseason interview Friday, Pogue hinted at some changes on the offense, saying the Tigers will showcase more receivers in the lineup.
An in depth interview will be published in The Panolian’s preseason Gridiron Guide on Tuesday, August 28.
Pogue, along with seniors Jonathan Wilson, Cameron Wagner and Bud Barksdale, appeared on the cover of The Clarion-Ledger’s preseason high school football guide released Sunday.
Listed as the Clarion-Ledger’s Top 125 seniors are Bud Barksdale, Tigg Barksdale, Jemarcus Hardrick and Quin Sanford.
Top juniors to watch are Marvin Burdette, David Conner, Reuben Corley and David Renfroe.
South Panola opens the season in the Red River Bowl hosted by Vicksburg High School August 30 and 31. South Panola and Warren Central will play Thursday. Clarksdale and Vicksburg will play Friday.
“I just want to encourage our fans to get behind these guys and buy those Warren Central tickets up here,” Pogue said. “Buy them from our school and get a big crowd down there on Thursday night, help us get out to a good start.”
The tickets are $8 and available at the high school office from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday.