Reports – 6/30/2006

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 30, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – June 30, 2006

 From the 6/30/06 issue of The Panolian       

Court Report
Judge questions validity of 14-year-old’s driver’s license
By Jason C. Mattox

A Batesville man will serve one year in jail after failing to satisfy old fines owed to the Municipal Court within the one week he was given by Judge William McKenzie.

Reginald Henderson, 112 Williams St., was told last week by McKenzie he had one week to take care of the $4,310 in fines that had been owed since July 2002.

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It appeared McKenzie would entertain a notion of allowing Henderson to work off the fines in the city’s work release program used by the court as an option for offenders who cannot pay their fines. That quickly took a turn for the worse.

"Is there any reason I should allow you to be on the work program after you have failed to finish it four times before," the judge asked Henderson.

Henderson said no, and McKenzie revoked his one year suspended sentence.

"I was in a bad way when I did that," Henderson told the judge.

"Well, I am in a bad way now," McKenzie replied.

Seon Buckley, 106 Field St., Batesville, appeared in court in white face to answer charges of simple assault.

Buckley was accused of kicking his grandmother.

When asked for a plea Buckley originally said not guilty and said, "If I had kicked her, she wouldn’t be here. I’m pretty strong."

When McKenzie set a trial date on the matter for July 26, Buckley asked if he could simply pay his fine of $355.

"You can change your plea and pay your fine if that is what you want to do," the judge said.

Buckley changed his plea saying, "I don’t have time to deal with this. It’s ridiculous."

A pair of simple assault charges against Calvert Smith were dismissed after the judge ruled there was not enough evidence.

"It seems to me like you all like to fight," he said. "What’s worse is that you were fighting and nobody knows why the fight was started."

Cases Set for Trial
Iesha Griffin, 475 Greenbriar Circle, Courtland, was found guilty on charges of no seatbelt, no driver’s license and failure to yield to an emergency vehicle.

Griffin, 14, entered a plea of not guilty saying she didn’t do any of the things she was charged with.

"You weren’t the one driving the car," McKenzie asked?

Griffin said she was driving the car at the time of the incident on June 6.

"This is not a game young lady," the judge said. "If you are not guilty, where is your driver’s license?

"You don’t have one if you are 14," he added.

Griffin was ordered to pay a fine of $630. The fine was reduced $400, when her mother produced proof of insurance.

Simple Assault
Stephanie Tribble, 202-A Lester St., will return to Municipal Court on Tuesday, July 26 for trial on a charge of simple assault.

Nakita Blackmon, 226 Noble St., received a trial date of July 19 for a simple assault charge.

The simple assault case of Daniel Watts, 2159 Anthony Rd., Pope, was continued to next week.

Failure to Appear
Cynthia Thompson, 3099 Thomas Rd., Crystal Springs, failed to appear for the second week to answer charges of contempt of court and shoplifting-second offense.

John E. Brown, 3099 Thomas Rd., Crystal Springs, failed to appear for the second week to answer charges of two counts of shoplifting.

Johnny Jackson, Skyline Motel, was not present to answer for a charge of simple assault.

Willie Reeves Jr., 4537 Curtis Rd., was not present to answer for a charge of domestic violence-simple assault.

Tyrone Griffin, 6758 Curtis Rd., was not present to answer for a contempt of court charge for failure to pay fines.

Jason Kitchekeg, 219 Vance St., was not present to answer for a contempt of court charge for failure to pay fines.

Referred to Grand Jury
Montra Towns, 103 Field St., had charges of possession of a controlled substance and open container referred to the grand jury.

Kenneth Smith, 218-J Broadway St., had a charge of statutory rape referred to the grand jury.
Steven Toliver Jr., 207 Watts St., had a charge of burglary of a commercial building/grand larceny referred to the grand jury.

Chris Abston, 207 Watts St., had a charge of burglary of a commercial building/grand larceny referred to the grand jury.

John Crain, 204 Latitia St., had charges of robbery, possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia referred to the grand jury.

Anthony Carter, 225 Vance St., had charges of molesting and possession of marijuana-less than one ounce referred to the grand jury.

Contempt of Court
Jeffery Robinson
, 215 Martin Luther King Dr., entered a guilty plea to contempt of court and was ordered to serve 12 days on the city’s work release program to satisfy fines totalling $482.

Eddie Strong, 504 Clearbrook Dr., Oxford, was given 30 days to satisfy fines from July 2004 totalling $480.

Gloria Webster, 134 King Rd., Enid had her trial date rescheduled for July 12 after the affiant failed to appear.

Anthonie Henderson, 818 Bethlehem Rd., pled guilty to charges of possession of marijuana in a vehicle, open container and no seatbelt. He was ordered to serve 25 days on the city’s work release program to satisfy $905 in fines. The total includes unpaid fines for a charge of loud music.

Brian Anderson, 15 Effie Circle, Oxford, pled guilty to trespassing. He was given 30 days to pay $355 in fines.

Lamarko Moore
, 126 Patterson Ln., had a simple assault charge dismissed after the affiant, Carla Hamilton failed to appear.

Gwendolyn Haynes
, 209 Lester St., pled not guilty to charges of carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct-failure to comply. The trial will be next Wednesday.

Brandon Frederick
, 432 Tubbs Rd., pled guilty to charges of possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle and driving while license suspended-implied consent. He has 30 days to pay $1,206 in fines.

Elmer McGhee
, 202-B Lester St., had his case continued on charges of DUI first-refusal and open container.

Turnell Edwards
, 206-A Jones Rd., was fined $583 for no proof of insurance.

Jonathan Adair
, 339 Hays St., was ordered to pay $356 in fines for driving while license suspended.

Michael Daughtery
, 315 Oak Grove, Sardis, will pay $184 in fines for driving with no tag.

Ashley Jefferson
, 103 Sherwood Rd., will pay $184 for driving with an expired tag.

Jerome Ales
, 118 Ozburn St., had fines of $356 imposed for driving while license suspended.

Bernice Milsap
, 110 Williams St., was ordered to pay $281 for driving with an expired license.

Leonard Hill
, 169 Martin Luther King Dr., had fines of $294 imposed for speeding and no proof of insurance.

Malinda Burney, 300 CR 338 Oxford, was fined $262 for two counts of no child restraint.

Sheriff’s Report
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue 
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
No report this issue



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