Reports – 4/7/2006

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 7, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – April 7, 2006

 From the 4/7/06 issue of The Panolian       

Court Report
Municipal judge sorts out fast food workers’ dispute
By Emily Williams

A dispute that involved a knife at McDonald’s was resolved during Batesville Municipal Court Wednesday.
Judge Bill McKenzie heard testimonies from five McDonald’s employees who stated Kellsey Turner, 106 Jackson St., Batesville, chased Bianca Corley with a steak knife saying she was going to "kill her."

Turner stated the confrontation started when Corley bumped into her at the "fry machine."

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Both Turner and Corley worked together at McDonald’s in Batesville and said they just didn’t like each other.

Turner said, "The managers were provoking the fight. They are just trying to keep their jobs because they didn’t report it."

"They wanted us to fight in the playland," she added.

Corley said she was going to fight Turner and someone did "pat down" Turner to make sure she didn’t have any weapons.

Assistant manager Cynthia Miles said, "I told them to go home and not to fight on my clock."

Turner was found guilty of simple assault by threat and fined $265 with six months jail time suspended provided she has no further contact with Corley.

"It is time for this to stop," said Judge McKenzie.

He also warned both of them they could go to jail if they had any contact with each other.

Turner also faces an unrelated simple assault charge. The case was continued because the affiant, Bernice Moore, was not notified.

Michael Dover, 213 East St., Batesville, was found guilty of domestic violence-simple assault against his wife, Enid Dover.

Enid Dover stated they had been separated for a year and had only been back together a week when the incident occurred.

She stated he had been on a drug binge and was passed out when she realized he had stolen some money from her purse.

"I was mad and trying to wake him up," she said.

That is when she said he got up and shoved her and punched her in the ribs.

She also had medical records proving he had broken her ribs.

"I have never turned him in before, but the hospital reported it," she said.

Michael Dover had been in jail for two months as he awaited trial on the charges. He was sentenced to "time served" and released at the request of his wife so he could work to provide for his children.

Rosie Webb, 206 Tubbs Rd., Batesville, had simple assault charges dismissed after affiant Tammy Griffin failed to appear to prosecute the charges.

Marketus Brown, 845 Alex Gates Rd., Marks, paid his cash fine of $355 prior to court for charges of domestic violence – simple assault.

Denarrious Hooks, 324 Patton Lane, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to a simple assault charge that he hit Richard Rudd in the face. He was fined $265.

"Using your hands to harm people doesn’t get you anywhere," said Judge McKenzie.

Debra Polk, 201-C Leonard St., Batesville, was fined $355 for domestic violence-simple assault.

Disorderly conduct
Leslie B. Barksdale, 1732 Terza Rd., Batesville, entered guilty pleas to disorderly conduct-failure to comply by refusing to stop at a road block and no driver’s license. He was entered into the city’s work release program for 22 days instead of paying the fine of $886.

The city’s work release program is an option for defendants who cannot pay their fines.

Stacy S. Pruett, 218-J Broadway, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to taking shampoo, t-shirts, a comb, shorts and detergent worth $55.77 from Wal-Mart. She was fined $610.

Meauto Perryman, 2025 Center St., Clarksdale, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting in October of 2003. Court records showed she had bonded out of jail several times and didn’t come to court.

She asked if she could enroll in the city’s work program to work off her fines of $700.

When the judge asked why he should trust her she said, "I am tired of running and I want to work it off."

She was enrolled in the work program for 17 days.

Anthony T. Tucker, 90 Lamar Thomas Rd., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to DUI-refusal. He was fined $726 and enrolled in driving school to help lower his driver’s license suspension time.

Joshua Hollis, 514 Pope Water Valley Rd., Pope, entered a not guilty plea to possession of marijuana (less than an ounce). A trial date was set for May 3.

Lesley Butts, 221 Bates St., Batesville, was referred to the grand jury for possession of marijuana (less than an ounce), possession of paraphernalia and possession of controlled substance.

Contempt of court
Quentin Welch, 973 Atkinson Rd., Batesville, had old fines of $455 that have been due since January 2001. He told the judge he could pay the amount.

He was escorted to city hall to pay his fines in full.

Jerry McBrayer, 290 Tate-Panola Rd., Como, had old fines of $469 that have been due since September 2005. He had new charges of simple assault that were dismissed after affiant Tiffany Hefner failed to appear to prosecute. He was already serving time for other charges and asked the judge if he could just "serve it out."

Judge McKenzie sentenced him to 15 days to settle his fines.

Barbara Cook, 116 Jones St., Batesville, had old fines of $568 that have been due since May 2005. Her fianc? told the judge he would have the fines paid in full within 60 days.

"We are trying to get our lives straight," said Cook.

Robert L. Spain, 876 Sanders Rd., Sardis, had old fines of $688 that he paid in full prior to court. He also had new charges of possession of marijuana less than an ounce, no tag, no driver’s license and no proof of insurance.

He provided valid proof of insurance and tag and the judge dismissed the charges.

He entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana and no driver’s license. He was fined $636.

Tonesha Henderson, 706 Jones St., Crenshaw, paid an old fine of $383 prior to court.

Anthony W. Jones, 107 MLK #7-D, Batesville, was fined $965 for driving while license suspended, leaving the scene of an accident and no proof of insurance. The lower fine was imposed for the no proof of insurance charge after Jones provided proof he received insurance after the ticket was issued.

Ralph T. Robinson, 409 1/2 Armstrong, Batesville, was fined $356 for driving while license suspended.

Roderick T. Johnson, 1708 Shiloh Rd., Courtland, was fined $540 for driving while license suspended and expired tag.

Latoya R. Thomas, 1219 Ballentine, Sardis, was fined $583 for no proof of insurance.

Jerry D. Slaughter, 95 Nolan Dr., Batesville, was fined $298 for no proof of insurance and speeding. The lower fine for no proof of insurance was imposed after he provided proof he had gotten insurance after-the-fact.

Kiffany Hooks, 214 Tubbs Rd., was fined $262 for no child restraint and improper equipment.

Victoria Duhon, 1228 N. Ave., Crowley, La., was fined $367 for no tag and no proof of insurance. She provided proof of insurance after the ticket was issued.

David D. Hill, 8492 Hwy. 35S, Batesville, was fined $131 for no child restraint.

Derrell Stewart, 309 Arizona St., Batesville, was fined $281 for no driver’s license.

Crystal P. Stovall, 518 Barnacre Rd., Batesville, was fined $583 for no proof of insurance.

Brent Morgan, 198 Riverside Dr., Greenwood, had a speeding charge and expired tag charge dismissed.

Morgan said the officer who issued the ticket wrote the wrong court date on the ticket.

City prosecuting attorney Parker Still called the officer during court and the charges were dismissed.

Dewayne Bobo, 311 Lincoln St., Sardis, was fined $464 for no driver’s license and no proof of insurance. The lower fine was imposed after he provided proof he got insurance after the ticket was issued.

Reginald Sawyer, 6506 Curtis Rd., Batesville, was fined $281 for no driver’s license.

Janice Faye Williams, 8322 Hwy. 35 South, Batesville, was fined $983 for no proof of insurance and speeding. A trial date was set for a no child restraint charge after she entered a not guilty plea.

Williams told the judge the eight-month-old baby got out of the child restraint by himself.

Sheriff’s Report
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
No report this issue



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