Reports – 3/17/2006

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 17, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – March 17, 2006

 From the 3/17/06 issue of The Panolian       

City Court Report

Judge teaches multiplication: four times $131 equals buckle up
By Rupert Howell

If you have been transporting kids without proper restraint, you might want to reconsider.

Diane Smallie of 118 Sherwood Drive was fined $131 – four times – in the Wednesday session of Batesville Municipal Court after she was found guilty of transporting four kids without properly strapping them in. That plus a charge of driving with suspended license made her total fine come to $880.

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Five county jail inmates were led into municipal court wearing leg chains and handcuffs with three of them facing charges of aggravated assault and being held under $50,000 bond.

Each desired a bond reduction but Municipal Judge William McKenzie explained that they were putting the cart before the horse and asked if they needed him to appoint a lawyer or if their families would supply one before a bond reduction hearing could be held.

Keyondrick Watters of 396 Tubbs Road, Cedric Watters of 431 Tubbs Road and Christopher Ellis of 107 Clinton Street, all of Batesville, are charged with aggravated assault following a shooting that resulted in a victim being shot in the leg
February 21.

Detective George Williford told McKenzie that he thought the incident was the result of an ongoing feud and said, "They shot a man in the leg and they could do it again."

One woman was found not guilty and two found guilty in a trial where each faced charges of simple assault.

Jessica Turnage of 175 Toliver Road and
Chasity Ragon of 702 Haire Road were both found guilty following an incident on Watt Street. Ragon’s mother, Katheryn Ragon, was found not guilty after all three testified about the incident.

Stacy Pruitt of 117 MLK, Batesville was found not guilty of petit larceny charges brought by affiant Paula Twilla.

Concerning $140 taken from Twilla’s account through an ATM, McKenzie said that the matter should have gone to claims court instead of criminal court

Keboni Anderson of 107 MLK was found guilty of simple assault following a trial with McKenzie stating charges were proved by witnesses. She was fined $355 due in 30 days.

Buck Allen of 113 Eureka St. #10, Batesville pleaded guilty to charges of disorderly conduct, failure to comply and resisting arrest. McKenzie combined the charges and reduced the fine from $870 to $435.

Eddie Henderson of 112 Williams St. Batesville, pleaded guilty to simple assault charges and volunteered to work on the "truck," a nickname for the city’s work release program. He was fined $265 which will be satisfied if seven days on the work program is completed.

James Wright of 294 Jones Road, Batesville pleaded guilty to charges of possession of alcohol by a minor and open container and was fined $570 and given 30 days to pay.

Chesley Tidwell of 2257 Lawrence Brothers Road, Batesville pleaded guilty to charges of possession of marijuana in vehicle, possession of controlled substances and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. She was fined $1,565 and given 30 days to pay.

Delrica Turner of 106 Jackson St. pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct and was fined $265 with 30 days to pay.

Willis Henderson of 107 Williams St. pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was ordered to work seven days at the Batesville Civic Center in lieu of a $265 fine.

Scottie Morrow of 135 Public Square #7, Batesville pleaded guilty to charges of disturbance of a family and was fined $265.

Scotty Thomas of 317-D Patton Lane pleaded guilty to charges of disorderly conduct, failure to comply and carrying a concealed weapon. He was given 22 days on the city’s work program in lieu of an $870 fine and had to forfeit a .32 caliber Cobra pistol.

Bobby Conner of P.O. Box 957 Batesville pleaded guilty to a charge of DUI, second, BAC of .260, and will begin his five day mandatory jail sentence on Friday. He must also pay a fine of $2,163.

Darren Johnson of 2100 Shiloh Road, Courtland also pleaded guilty with DUI second (BAC of .200). His mandatory sentence will also begin this weekend with McKenzie warning, "Do it again and you’re going to the pen–for a year."

Lee Andrew Crump of 1870 Hwy. 51 North, Sardis pleaded guilty to a new charge of driving while license suspended (fine: $356) while facing charges of contempt of court for old fines in the amount of $805.

"Thirty days if not paid by five today," McKenzie warned.

Andre Middleton of 2030 Goodhope Road had a six-month suspended sentence revoked due to failure to show up for the city work program. Charges of contempt of court and old fines total $1,158. He will owe that amount to the city after serving his sentence.

Montreal Turner of 114 Martinez St. was given 30 days to pay old fines and a contempt of court charge totalling $2,265 or face six months in jail.

Akelra Spears of Atkins Street, Sardis was given 20 days in jail after failure to complete his days with the city work program. He faced fines of $755.

Laketa Taylor of Westridge Apts. #28 was given 30 days to pay old fines (with a contempt of court charge tacked on) in the amount of $1,359.

"There are 90 days sitting there if you don’t get it done," McKenzie warned.

Old fines of $526 were paid in full by Rodney Wilson of 2706 Chapeltown Road prior to court.

Stephanie S. Joiner of 229 MLK, Batesville faced fines of $1,034 due since October 2005.

"I’m listening," McKenzie said attempting to entice a reason for non-payment.

"I just didn’t pay it," Joiner said.

"Well then, do you just want to go to jail," the judge asked before giving Joiner 26 days to work at the Civic Center in lieu of her fine.

Calvert Smith of Dora Street had posted a bond prior to court on charges of aggravated assault which have been transferred to the Panola County Grand Jury.

Kenisha Braxton of 318 Panola was fine $356 for DWLS.

Hang Thi-Thuy Nguyen of 2 CR, Oxford had a trial date set for March 29 for charges of reckless driving and fleeing law enforcement.

Tasha L. Keys of 206 Tubbs Road pleaded guilty to a charge of no driver’s license and was fined $281.

Brandon Newman of 213 Court Street was given a date of March 29 to return on charges of DWLS.

LaQuanta J. Oliver of 107 MLK was fined $131 for no child restraint.

Rosalind A. Joiner of 150 MLK was fined a total of $1,064 for charges of no proof of insurance, DWSL, and speeding.

A hearing on charges of malicious mischief against Ronnie Robinson of 409 Armstrong Street brought by Tracy Taylor was rescheduled for April 26. McKenzie ordered the bonding agency to be notified.

A fine of $305 was paid in full prior to court by Lakisha McClain of 112 Eureka St. #8 for charges of false pretense.

Farrah Devon Ellis of 409 Armstrong was charged fined $939 for driving without license and no proof of insurance.

A trial date was set for April 5 for Rosie Webb of 206 Tubbs Rd. #28. Webb is charged with simple assault.

Sheriff’s Report
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Marriage Licenses
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Divorces Granted
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Health Inspections
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