Reports – 3/10/2006

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 10, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – March 10, 2006

 From the 3/10/06 issue of The Panolian       

City Court Report

Judge tells affiant to ‘leave the drugs alone’
By Emily Williams

A Batesville woman told Judge Bill McKenzie during Batesville Municipal Court Wednesday that she shot a pistol in the air in the city limits to break up a fight.

Melanie Robinson, 326 Hays St., Batesville, admitted discharging a firearm in city limits on Patton Lane.

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"There was about eight of them on my baby and I shot in the air," said Robinson.

(She told the judge "her baby" was 15.)

Judge McKenzie asked, "Did it work?"

Robinson replied, "yes."

She also requested her gun back because the police officers took it from her.

The judge denied her request.

Shariff Molai, 106 Skyline, Batesville, faces a charge of sexual battery (juvenile). He requested a reduction of his $50,000 bond and a continuance of his trial to allow him time to get an attorney.

The reduction was not granted.

Keboni Anderson, 107 Martin Luther King #6-C, Batesville, entered a "not guilty" plea to domestic violence-simple assault by striking Kelvin Holmes at Wheels and Deals located on 127 Lakewood in Batesville. She did enter a guilty plea to reckless driving. A trial date was set for Wednesday.

Jeffrey Robinson, 215 MLK, Batesville, failed to appear for charges of simple assault, reckless driving and failure to yield to an emergency vehicle. Alright Bonding Company was notified.

Tamika Robinson, 203-A Leonard St., Batesville, had a simple assault case dismissed after affiant Joanna Harris failed to appear to prosecute.

Napoleon Harris, 104 Patton Lane, Batesville, entered a not guilty plea to domestic violence – simple assault (second offense). A trial date was set for March 29.

Bonnie Joslin, 210 East Gilmore, Senatobia, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana – less than an ounce and no driver’s license.

"It was not mine, but it was in the car," said Joslin.

She was fined $636.

Marcus Butler, Westridge #20, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana less than an ounce at Pizza Hut, but had a trespassing case dismissed after Mesha Madison appeared on behalf of Ettav Turner and dropped the charges.

Xazavagion Jones, 478 Teasdale, Enid, entered a guilty plea to having marijuana within 1,500 feet of a school.

"Son, leave the drugs alone," said Judge McKenzie.

Jones was fined $355.

Ronnie Porter, 206 Tubbs Rd., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana – less than an ounce. He was fined $355.

Open container
Tavish Smith, 19049 Hwy. 51 South, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to having an open container of Bud Light on Lester Street. He was fined $265.

Denarrious Hooks, 224 Patton Lane, Batesville, paid his cash fine in full prior to court for open container.

Elliot Andrews
, 107 Vance St., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to open container. He served seven days in the county jail, but could not be released because the DA has a hold on him and the MDOC has a hold on him for other charges. His fine was entered as "time served."

Holly M. Lang/Lane, 1960 Tuscola Rd., Grenada, entered a "not guilty" plea to shoplifting during Batesville Municipal Court February 22. She failed to appear for her court hearing Wednesday.

Affiant Shane Clark testified, "I saw her kneel down and put clothes in her purse."

He also said when he tried to confront her, she ran out of the store to her vehicle.

Judge McKenzie found her guilty and fined her $610. He also said if she does not pay the fine in full within 30 days, she faces 60 days in jail.

Contempt of Court
Stephanie Shorter/Joiner, 329 MLK, Batesville, failed to appear for contempt of court – old fines of $1,034 that have been due since December 2005.

Jimmy Newsom, 218 Hassle Rd., Coldwater, faced contempt of court – old fines of $1,706 that have been due since July 2005.

"I have been in jail since July for burglary and kidnapping," said Newsom.

Judge McKenzie sentenced him to 60 days in jail to "clear up" the contempt charges.

Laketer Harold of Batesville was supposed to return to court last Wednesday, but never appeared. She returned Wednesday to explain.

Harold has old fines totaling $2,000.

"I was sick and my fianc? came by and tried to pay $125 and she (court clerk) wouldn’t take it," said Harold.

Harold is due to have a baby April 24, making her unable to work on the city’s work release program.

"Well, can I work at the end of May," asked Harold.

Court records showed Harold was signed up for the work program in August 2003, but never showed up.

"I didn’t have a baby sitter and my car broke down!"

Judge McKenzie replied, "I am not going to hear this case again!"

Harold enrolled in the city’s work release program beginning June 1 with six months jail time suspended.

"If you miss one day, you will do six months in jail," said Judge McKenzie.

Tyrone Whitten, 5315 Nash Rd., Batesville, entered guilty pleas to DUI – refusal, resisting arrest and no driver’s license. He enrolled in the city’s work release program for 31 days instead of paying a fine of $1,274.

Chris Heathcoat of Atoka, Tenn., posted bond prior to court for prescription forgery. The case was referred to Circuit Court.

Dustin Robertson, Debowen Wilson Rd., Batesville, had a burglary and grand larceny case continued.

Brandon Goodwin, 104 Sweetgum, Batesville, was fined $131 for careless driving and enrolled in driving school.

Eddie Henderson of Batesville entered the court room to ask to enroll in the city’s work release program for old fines, but left the court room in hand cuffs for other charges he apparently didn’t know about.

A new officer was sworn in prior to court. Shenika Hudson of Clarksdale has joined the Batesville Police Department. She graduated from Coahoma Community College with an associate’s degree in criminal justice.

Rickey E. Johnson, 614 W. Magnolia St., Charleston, was fined $487 for driving while license suspended and careless driving.

Paul K. Lumpkins, 1601 Ales Rd., Batesville, was fined $1,047 for no driver’s license, no proof of insurance and no tag.

Keisha Smith, P.O. Box 184, Courtland, had a lower fine imposed for no proof of insurance after providing proof she had gotten insurance after the ticket was issued. Her lower fine was $183.

Chevoral L. Thompson, Rt. 1 Box 170, Marks, had a no tag ticket dismissed after explaining that her car had been in the shop and the tag had only been expired for three days. She had a lower fine imposed for no driver’s license and no proof insurance, after she provided proof she had gotten her license reinstated and got insurance after the ticket was issued.

Ida Jean Zeno, 107 MLK, Batesville, was fined $464 for no driver’s license and no proof of insurance. A lower fine was imposed for the no proof of insurance after she provided proof she had gotten insurance.

Cheryl A. Jackson, 155 Rutherford, Batesville, had the lower fine of $183 imposed for no proof of insurance.

Jay M. Scott, 18 CR 3029, Oxford, was fined $142 for speeding and had an expired driver’s license charge dismissed.

(Editor’s note: Nicole Flowers, 1304 Locke Station, Curtis, listed in the Panola County arrest log March 7, is not the same Nicole Shanell Flowers, 16, of 559 Harmon Rd., Batesville.)
Marriage Licenses
The Panola County Circuit Clerk’s office issued the following marriage licenses in February:

In Batesville
  Eley Kennedy Anderson Jr., 20, and
     Barbara Champagne Rutherford, 19;
  Ronald K. Toliver, 42, and
     Michelle McCain Shifflett, 40;
  Robert E. Mitchell Jr., 37, and
     Dawn M. Tubbs, 32, and
  Reginald Trammell Grant, 24, and
     Jaime Darleene Morgan, 24.

In Sardis
  George Odus Swift, 70, and
     Mary H. Hatley, 58;
  Cleveland T. Johnson Jr., 50, and
     Valerie Reed, 41;
  Jules Earl Yount, 24, and
     Safronah LeAnn Hudspeth, 23; and
  Wille Gene James Jr., 26, and
     Talisha R. Lewis, 30
Divorces Granted
The following divorces were granted during February according to records in the Panola County Chancery Clerk’s office:

In Batesville
  Calvin R. Walters vs.
     Felicia Ann Saxton Walters;
  Lisa Ferrell Perry and
     Norman Eugene Perry Jr.;
  Ella Louise Benson Ford vs.
     George Edward Ford;
  Brenda Ann Butler Flowers vs.
     Michael Flowers;
  Erica Leigh Faust Downs vs.
     William Michael Downs;
  Alesha Mechelle Morgan Doyle vs.
     William Earl Doyle Jr. and
  Mary Elizabeth Cox Moudy vs.
     Raymond Clyde Moudy.


Sheriff’s Report
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue



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