Reports – 12/16/2005

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 16, 2005

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – December 16, 2005

  From the 12/16/05 edition of The Panolian  

City Court Report

By Emily Williams

Judge Bill McKenzie found a Batesville woman guilty of stealing anxiety medicine in the Batesville Municipal Court session Wednesday.

Affiant Herman Smith and his wife Lisa Smith testified that they had given Jackie Golden of 105 Dickey Dr., Batesville, a ride while paying their bills.
Lisa Smith said she had gone into the post office to buy stamps and when she returned her husband’s medication along with his pocket knife were lying on the seat beside him with the bottle almost empty.

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Smith said her husband was asleep in the car.

She said she confronted Golden.

"I told her I would take her to the police office if she didn’t return his medicine."

Smith said while she was driving an altercation occurred, causing them to have a wreck.

The police officer who worked the wreck testified, saying that he did find pills in Golden’s purse.

Golden told the judge that she has bought pills (Xanax) from Smith on numerous occasions.

"I told her I would shampoo her carpet and give her $30 for the pills," said Golden.

Golden was fined $305 for petit larceny.

In another petit larceny case, Kevin Potts of 487 Annas Cove, Pope, entered a not guilty plea to taking $38.93 worth of medication from Charley Dulany. A trial was set for January 18.

Gerald Sledge of Tubbs Rd., Batesville, was found guilty of simple assault on an officer, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. He was fined $1,105.

Judge McKenzie told Jervoris Porter of 72 Butler Rd., Batesville, to stay off the premises of South Panola High School.

Leslie Busby, assistant principal at South Panola High School, told Judge McKenzie that Porter was in the alternative school and was not supposed to be in the high school.

"When I saw him in the building, I tried to ask him a question and he wouldn’t talk to me."

Germaine Williams of 207-D Leonard, Batesville, was sent back to municipal court from the grand jury for felony fleeing, no driver’s license and disturbing the peace. He also had new charges of disorderly conduct by failing to comply with the police officer’s request, no driver’s license and no proof of insurance. He entered the city’s work release program for 43 days instead of paying a fine of $1,734.

The city’s work release program is an option for defendants who cannot pay their fines.

Daniel Gray, P.O. Box 373, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to DUI and improper equipment (no tail lights).

His improper equipment fine was reduced 50 percent after showing the judge a receipt that he had bought tail lights for the vehicle.

His total fine was $792.

Dustin Dupree of 320 Woods Rd., Pope, entered a not guilty plea to DUI-refusal. He was advised to return next week.

Jason White of 2181 Liberty Hill, Courtland, failed to appear for DUI, no driver’s license and possession of paraphernalia charges. Al Williams Bonding Company was notified.

Shirley Hicks of 225 Noble St., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to DUI-refusal, careless driving and switched tag. She was fined $1,040.

William Baker of 600 Plum, Oakland, failed to appear for a shoplifting charge at Wal-Mart.

Latoria Robinson of 119 1/2 Field St., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to taking a pair of Wallabee shoes and New Balance shoes worth $264.97 from Rack Room Shoes and the same day stealing a pair of children’s Michael Jordan shoes worth $35 at Stubbs.
Judge McKenzie said, "Stealing is not going to be tolerated in Batesville. You are stealing from the honest folks."

She was fined $1,220. If she doesn’t pay the fine in full she will serve 60 days in jail.

Domestic violence
Cassandra Perry of 112 Dell St., Batesville, paid her fine of $355 prior to court for domestic violence-simple assault.

Contempt of court
Michael L. Taylor of 357 Greg Taylor Rd., Courtland, had old fines of $742 that have been due since July 2000 and new fines of $546 for resisting arrest and no driver’s license.

Taylor told the judge he didn’t pay his old fines because he was incarcerated for five years.

His resisting arrest fine was reduced 50 percent. His total fines are $1,023.

Antonio Robinson of 202 Lester St., Batesville, had old fines of $425 that have been due since April 2005.
He told Judge McKenzie he can pay the full amount in three weeks.

Judge McKenzie told him if he did not pay the full amount he will serve 60 days in jail.

Nancy McCain of 128 Byrd Houston, Charleston, entered the city’s work release program for 96 days instead of paying old fines of $3,938 that have been due since April 2003.

McCain told the judge she didn’t have a car, but she would find a way to get to work every day at 7 a.m.

Robert Spain of 876 Sanders Rd., Sardis, had old fines of $575 that have been due since September 2004. He also enrolled in the city work program for 14 days instead of paying the fine.

Richard Boclair of 704 Plum Point Rd., Pope, had old fines of $510 that have been due since June 2005. He told the judge he could pay the fine the next day when he gets paid.

Rodney Ladd of 1105-B Hawkins Rd., Courtland, had old fines of $780 that have been due since August 2005.

He was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail instead of paying the fines.

Mary Crump-King of 2447 Ketchum #8, Memphis, Tenn., had old fines of $537 that have been due since June 2003. She paid the fine in full prior to court.

Steven Ware of 9035 Hwy. 51 South, Courtland, told the judge he forgot about his old fines of $244 that have been due since September 2004, but could pay in full December 30.

Grand jury
Patricia Wright of 23208 CR 169, Coffeeville, was referred to the grand jury for forged prescription.

Amber Murrell was referred to the grand jury for forgery and false pretense.

Casey Childs, 112 Martinez St., Batesville, had a reduced fine for no tag and no proof of insurance after providing proof of both tag and insurance after the ticket was issued.

Childs entered the city’s work release program instead of paying the lower fine of $292.

Tequila Hamilton of 109-A 1 Lester St., Batesville, returned to court from last week with proof of valid insurance. Her charge was dismissed.

Dexter Chapman, 1779 Woodruff Rd., Batesville, had a no proof of insurance charge dismissed after providing valid proof.

"I had proof, I just couldn’t find it at the time," he said.

Marcus Griffin, 1254 Shiloh Rd., had a reduced fine of $183 imposed after providing proof he had gotten insurance after the ticket was issued.

Gregory Johnson, 2366 Stage Rd., Senatobia, was fined $767 for no proof of insurance and expired tag.

Annie Ruth Stevens, 1766 Jr. Johnson, Sardis, had no proof of insurance and switched tag charges continued so she can bring proof of insurance which will save her $400.

Marvin Madison, 114 Martinez St., Batesville, was fined $281 for no driver’s license.

Tracye Cox Campbell, 811 Myrtle St., Marks, had a no proof of insurance charge continued so she can bring valid proof.

Tameka Johnson, 4429 Old Panola, Batesville, was fined $617 for driving while license suspended, speeding and no child restraint.

Nancy Ann Pitcock, 1967-B Hwy. 51 South, Sardis, was fined $767 for expired tag and no proof of insurance.

Sheriff’s Report    
No report this issue
Marriage Licenses
The Panola County Circuit Clerk’s office issued the following marriage licenses in November:

In Batesville
   Mark Sibley, 42, and
     Kathy Denise Smith, 41
  James Michael Brewer, 19, and
     Kimberly Elizabeth Smith, 16
  David Draper, 20, and
     Jessica Marie Baronowski, 21
  Tony Orlando Ware, 30, and
     Kimberly Ann Tiner, 24
  Raymond Charles Alexander, 26, and
     Jessica Lorraine Anderson, 18
  Lucious Morris, 37, and
     Jennifer Armstrong, 26
  Billy W. Love, 42, and
     Tonyanekia L. Hale, 28
In Batesville
  Antonio Demetric Boyce, 28, and
    Taurus Lakeashia Golden, 27
  John L. Dillard, 67, and
    Christine G. Bethel, 68
  Robert A. Jones, 28, and
    Natalie Marie Mitchell, 27
  Randy Dwayne Jackson, 20, and
    Candice Danielle Tramell, 17


Divorces Granted
The following divorces were granted during October according to records in the Panola County Chancery Clerk’s office:

In Batesville
  Antonio Barragan vs.
     Maria Del Consuelo Barragan
  Annette Lynn Stork Martinez Flores Allgood Womack vs.
     Daniel Wayne Womack
  Thomas G. Boyles vs.
     Melissa Kay Dawn Gordon Reed Boyles
  Paula Sue Arnold Lamb vs.
     William Edward ?Rusty? Lamb Jr.
  Katherine Lenora Savelle (Castle) Irwin vs.
     Larry Walter Irwin Sr.
  Jessie Mae (Benson) Oliver vs.
     Michael Eugene Oliver
  Patricia B. Cole vs.
     Charles Rex Cole
In Sardis
  Tanya Renee Ross vs.
     Russell Wayne Ross
  Rita Turman vs.
     Dennis Clark Turman
  Carl Ricky Coleman vs.
     Delois McGhee Coleman
  Stacy Lynn O’Neal vs.
     James Ray O’Neal
  Anita Jackson Gates Perry Miller vs.
     Michael D. Miller


Batesville Fire Department Report
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue



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