Reports – 10/18/2005

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – October 18, 2005

  From the 10/18/05 issue of The Panolian  

City Court Report
No report this issue
Batesville Fire Department Report
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
No report this issue
Sheriff’s Report    
All information is taken directly from the open records of the Panola County Sheriff’s Department. An arrest does not mean a conviction. All individuals are innocent until proven guilty. Names will not be left out of the records upon request. If a name appears in the arrest logs, it will appear in The Panolian.
October 10
Alexander Gates, 119 1/2 Field St., Batesville, is being held for investigation.

Krystal B. Tucker, 209 Court St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Ray Young, 207 Church St. Apt. 24, Como, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

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October 11
Stephen N. Finch, 318 Westmoreland Circle, Batesville, was arrested and charged with trespassing. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Willie Reeves Jr., 231 Vance St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Keyondas J. Polk, 428 Park Place Rd., Batesville, is being held for investigation. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Sabrina A. Wright, 432 A-Fondren Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Melvin T. Salter Jr., 1165 Edwards Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Joel Johnson III, 110 Hoskins Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with child support law. The case will be heard in Chancery Court.

Charles L. Fredrick, 863 Hwy. 322 East, Lambert, was arrested and charged with child support law. The case will be heard in Chancery Court.

Jeffery Lee Rhodes, 113 North Ave., Crenshaw, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Crenshaw Municipal Court.

October 12
Kemp Blackmon, 110 Clinton St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt/serve 90 days.

Priscilla A. Willis, 21 Lamar Thomas Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with grand larceny.

Jason T. Rippie, 208 Oak Ridge Rd., West Point, s being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Markes Terrell Jones, 313 Patton Lane, Batesville, is being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Terry Lynn Murphy, 682 Marannia St., Memphis, Tenn., is being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Troy Wayne Walton, 5901 Cherokee Dr., Horn Lake, is being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Ratwan Rashad Mosley, 544 CR 244, Abbeville, is being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Lamar Bird Garret, 913 Sawyer Circle, New Albany, is being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Dewayne Hollaway, P.O. Box 724, Holly Springs, is being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Trelis D. Leggins, 116 Claromont St., Sardis, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and public profanity.
Jefferson L. Pollack, 6560 Hwy. 6 West, Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI-refusal and no proof of insurance. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Alma M. Reeves, 1055 Hawkins Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with contempt-failure to complete work program.

James E. Houston, 273 Greg Taylor Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with domestic violence-simple assault. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

October 13
Mary G. Shegog, 521 Gleaton Rd., Pope, was arrested and charged with petit larceny. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Christopher D. Johnson, 149 Mayfair Dr., Jackson, was arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit grand larceny. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Tyrone Cox Casey, 115 Williams St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with two counts of sale of cocaine. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Timothy K. Frazier, 127 North Heard Lot #21, Senatobia, was arrested and charged with no proof of insurance and driving while license suspended. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Akil J. Avant, 3639 Oakhollow CR Apt. #204, Memphis, Tenn., was arrested and charged with DUI (other). The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Donald P. Dawkins, 31540 Blackjack Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI and speeding. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

October 14
Cecil P. Henderson, 115 Jackson St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Joseph Santigo, 1621 King Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Sardis Municipal Court.

Evelyn S. Bobo, 208 Atkins St. Apt. B 2, Sardis, was arrested and charged with malicious mischief. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Eugene James Harris, 25 Ford Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with sexual assault and is being held for Texas. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Russell L. Fondren, 1269 Tom Cooper Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

October 15
Walter Frost, Jimmy Jones Trailer Park, Como, was arrested and charged with trespassing. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Kevin N. Gay, 106 Holly Cove, Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

James Alford Appleton, 509 South Pocahantas, Sardis, was arrested and charged with DUI (second).

Gregg K. Collins, 102 Hickory Lane, Sardis, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Ronnie House, 339 Hays St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt-possession of crack cocaine. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Freddie Robertson, 107 Scotdale St., Senatobia, was arrested and charged with public drunk. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Cedric Eugene Echolas, 5701-C Pleasant Grove, Como, was arrested and charged with disturbance of family, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

October 16
Curtis Denshelle Lyle, 405 A Armstrong St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Sardis Municipal Court.

Jayson Andrew Key, 4851 Old Panola Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended (implied consent). The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Michael Wayne Phillips, 1843 Thomas St., Horn Lake, was arrested and charged with DUI and careless driving. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Detrick Detrell Turner, 3620 Fire Thorne Dr., Memphis, Tenn., was arrested and charged with DUI and no proof of insurance. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Jason Glenn Willard, 3065 Deer Creek Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and public drunk. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Gwen Yvonne Roberson, 18153 N. Hwy. 51, Sardis, was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Lisa Renee Still, 8315 Pope Water Valley Rd., Pope, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and public drunk. The case will be heard in Justice.

Ashley S. Todd, 1075 Springport Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with trespassing. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Stephan Lester Brewer, 9305 Live Oak Ave., Ocean Springs, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended and speeding. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Gary Scott Hester, 803 Red Hill Circle, Batesville, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended, no proof of insurance, DUI (second) and open container. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Larry Warren Jackson, 435 A Warren St., Como, was arrested and charged with no proof of insurance, driving while license suspended (implied consent), improper equipment, no tail light, failure to stop to blue lights and expired tag. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Terry J. Potts, 900 Pane St., Como, is being transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.



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