Reports – 1/28/2005

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 28, 2005

Panola County Reports: January 28, 2005

  From the 1/28/05 issue of The Panolian  

Police Report
No report this issue
Court Report
By Rita Howell

A contempt of court charge in Wednesday’s session of Batesville Municipal Court resulted in a Batesville man’s assignment to the city’s work release program to satisfy a fine he has owed since October.

Municipal Court Judge Bill McKenzie gave Ananias "Niles" Jones of 108 Hoskins Road, Batesville, the choice of paying his fine of $415, serving 12 days in the work program or 90 days in jail. Niles opted for the work program.

Also assigned to the work release program was Dewayne Armstead of 1424 Fogg Road, Batesville. Armstead was found guilty of a misdemeanor charge of possession of a controlled substance and open container. He was fined $580 and will perform 15 days of public service work to satisfy the fine.

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Cameron Ferguson of 466 Quail Ridge, Senatobia, was found guilty of DUI (refusal to take test) and no proof of insurance. Ferguson was not in court for his scheduled trial. Judge McKenzie imposed a fine of $1,766 after hearing testimony from Officer John Miller who arrested Ferguson on December 17.

Tammy Mitchell of 114 Lawson St., Batesville, pleaded guilty to simple assault and was fined $595, due in 30 days.

Tracy Barksdale of No. 8 Timberidge, Batesville, pleaded not guilty to a charge of simple assault and had his trial set for February 16. Mitchell and Barksdale were each charged with assaulting the other in an altercation on January 18.

Jayson Dishmon of 428 Taylor St., Como, failed to appear in court to answer a charge of shoplifting. He forfeited his bond of $595.

Continued case
Megan Sewell of 122 Elm, Clarksdale, had her case continued until February 16. Sewell is charged with shoplifting and possession of less than one ounce of marijuana.

Cases transferred
Four defendants had their cases transferred from municipal court to circuit court. The four, all charged with burglary and grand larceny, were: Anthony Daugherty of Batesville; Charlie Gant III of 2950 Atkinson Rd., Batesville; Kevin Locke Jr. of 1126 Woodruff Rd., Batesville, and Jonathan McCullar of 798 Chapeltown Rd., Batesville.

Traffic tickets
Vergia Alice Battle of 204 Arizona, Batesville, was fined $480 for driving while her license is suspended and running a stop sign. Craig Harris asked for and received an extension on the payment deadline for his fine.

Ernest Porter of Bradford St., Batesville, told the judge he was asleep in his parked car when he got a ticket for loud music in violation of a city ordinance. He will work three days in the city work release program in lieu of payment of the $115 fine.

Everette Mixon of 210 Georgia St., Batesville, was enrolled in a driving school in lieu of a fine for speeding and improper lane change. The school is offered to young drivers and removes traffic violation charges from their records.

Health Inspections
No report this issue
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
No report this issue


Sheriff’s Report    
No report this issue


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