Barbour Pick for Governor |
Gov. Ronnie Musgrove holds a press conference outside the Courtland Fire Department after he voted Tuesday morning. |
BY JASON MATTOX SENIOR STAFF WRITER Following his victory over incumbent Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, Haley Barbour went to work outlining his plan for his time in office.
According to published reports, Barbour said the main areas he plans to focus on are education funding, work-force development and job-training programs.
"The top priorities for the next four years must be job creation and state-wide economic development," Barbour said in a statement during his first news conference. "It will also be important to work with the legislature to resolve state budget problems in no more than two years without raising taxes."
Reports indicate Barbour used the remaining time this week to talk with lawmakers and state and local officials.
The Governor-elect said volunteers from throughout the state were largely responsible for his win.
"Those people were able to go and get the friends, family and neighbors to go to the polls," he said. |
Incumbent Sheriff Wins Race Handily |
By Jason C. Mattox Senior Staff Writer
The voters of Panola County showed their support for the present leadership of the Sheriff’s Department by electing David Bryan to an eighth consecutive term with a staggering 69 percent of the vote.
Bryan, the Democratic candidate, defeated Republican challenger Steve Chancellor for another four-years in office.
Bryan – 7,328 Chancellor – 4,048
Bryan who was first elected in 1976 when he defeated Forrest Tuttle, said the new term will be his last in office citing his age and health as factors.
"I think the people of Panola County have spoken," he said Wednesday. "I truly appreciate the support they continued giving me and everyone in my office and I will continue to do the best job I possibly can.
"I am very humbled by the blessing of getting to serve the people of Panola County for eight terms," he said. "The people have been good to me and I will continue to be a good sheriff for everyone the last four years I am in office." In the new term, Bryan said he intends to focus on getting resource officers in place for every school in Panola County. |
Search Ends for Sardis mom Body Found Thursday |
NOTE: The body of Jennifer Russell Young was found late Thursday. Information was not available by press time. Complete details in Tuesday’s edition of The Panolian.
By Kate B. Dickson Editor  Where is Jennifer Russell Young?
That’s what her family and Panola County Sheriff’s Department investigators want to know today.
The 30-year-old woman, who lives at 5689 Old Panola Road in Sardis, was last seen about 4 p.m. Monday, according to family members and Investigator Mark Whitten.
Overcast skies earlier this week were keeping law enforcement officers from getting a Desoto County helicopter aloft to search for her, Whitten told The Panolian. And a ground search has yielded nothing.
"She’d have never left her son," said Young’s brother, Phil Russell, who is part of what he describes as a closely-knit extended family. |
Hospital Proposal Picks Due Monday |
By Kate B. Dickson Editor If all goes according to plan, city and county officials are expected to receive recommendations Monday in regard to the future of Tri-Lakes Medical Center.
Mayor Bobby Baker told aldermen the City Board and Panola County Board of Supervisors will meet together at 11 a.m. at the Batesville courthouse.
The two bodies are scheduled to meet with consultant J.C. Burns of Burns Development Group to hear the top two picks of three proposals given.
At later dates the city and county boards will vote separately, Baker said.
Aldermen are due to make their pick at the regular board meeting at 2 p.m. on Nov. 18 at City Hall.
Robert Avant, president of the Board of Supervisors, said Thursday he does not know when the supervisors will vote on the hospital proposals.
He said the board "might set a date" to do so when it meets Monday but said it’s possible no date will be picked then.
"We could meet again to talk about it before we vote," Avant said. "It could be around Thanksgiving or sometime in December before we vote." |
Library Friends Book Sale on Tap |
The Friends of the Library will have its annual book sale at the Panola County Extension building, 394 Highway 51 South, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 14 and Nov. 15.
On Friday, the sale will be from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. On Saturday, the hours are from 8 a.m. until noon. Citizens are asked to bring donated books for the sale to the Batesville Public Library for storage until the sale. Funds raised will be used for library needs. |